Who are the Burks? Well there is my wonderful Husband Aaron he's 25 and a super amazing man. I'm 25 also and I'm not as amazing as Aaron but I am totally in love and trying to be the best wife and momma. I'm also a very happy lady because I get to be a stay at home parent and work my Arbonne Business that I love. And last but not least is our joy, Della she's 2.5 yrs old and so perfect.
I have made a few changes since these pictures...and need to still make a few more. I want to paint one wall in Della's room and I have a wall decor for that wall. Also our room is not set up right. And I have a table lamp for the living room now.
Here are some pictures of Della since we have been back. She got her nails painted for the first time, she loves her baths, she is standing on her own, and eating much more food. She also went to the zoo.
Ron waiting of the truck to arrive reading Farside .... I am finally getting posts on my blog. I will start with us moving back to Missouri. Here are some pictures. We managed to get everything moved thanks to the help of Family and friends. It was a veerrrrryyyy very long day. We left Tn. At 3 am and didn't stop moving until 12 am the next day. We both had sinus infections and that didn't make it any easier. But PTL it's all done and we are settled in.