Aaron and I love doing projects together. This is such a good way to bond with your partner and learn how to work together. Thankfully Aaron and I have the same way of getting things done. I have seen in couples that don't have things in common really struggle in this area. Because they each have their own way of accomplishing a task. Having nothing in common isn't always bad. But it will only work if each person is willing to allow the other person space to continue in there interests. I have found Aaron and I don't love all of the same things. That's not surprising. But I see that we both have made a commitment to give balance between us both.Right now the only thing we want to be doing is spending time together! LOL. But there will be a day when he needs a afternoon to hang at the gym with the guys...and I might need a few hours to go shopping or to the library. I don't see that happening for some time, but it is only natural. I would encourage those that are in a relationship to talk with your partner and decide where and how much you want to make balance between each persons interests and hobbies. It has helped us so much to be able to talk about these things. Being open and honest will help you understand how to please the other person. And yes it might take humility, but it will strengthen your relationship.
-Here comes Foot-ball season, then next is Deer season! If your expecting me to say " get ready girls" then you didn't read above... if you already worked these areas out with your partner you will know just how much time he or she needs for them selves in areas like ...car shows, or pampered chef parties.
By giving support in the interest of the other person you gain a closeness you wont discover in any other area.
I'm so blessed to have Aaron, he doesn't make this difficult by any means.
How many times have you heard... " relationship is all about sacrifice"? Well, yes sacrifice is a BIG beefy key to many things in your relationship...however it is not just the only thing.
But we could be safe in saying what I have been talking about here has a great deal to do will a personal sacrifice, but it won't hurt you a bit. LOL no one ever died from having a self sacrificial attitude.
So the Lord has shown me to do things together with Aaron and grow in love during projects or cooking or driving from point A to B or walking or working out or in worship or with family or even just watching a movie. You can grow together in everything you do together.
He also showed me to not be afraid of the separate time of growth. I can grow and so can he during the separate times. When hes watching the game...I can handle doing something else...or even joining in. It is special to Aaron that I do join in on things like that because they are important to him, and his heart shows me he wants me of all people to share that with him! That is special to me. I know he's my best friend because he wants to include me in the special things in his life.
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