A once in a lifetime event for Aaron and I. And it was wonderful! Here are the highlights!
Decorating with friends the night before. The morning of the wedding I tried to make a grooms cake shaped as a basketball...and well it was a flop...so out of the house with bridesmaids stopped at a local lil coffee house for a mocha, and then get me to the church on time.The guys(Including Aaron) stayed at a hotel in town so they where on there way to the churc
h also. As we where headed to the church Allison ( Barkowski) got a funny call from Brad that he didn't have any pants! It was really just his dress pants he left at my parents...so that was a fun joke for the morning.At the church now and I see my future husband, I meet him at the car with a coffee in hand, and he put his hands on my shoulders looks me in the eyes and says" Are you ready for this babe?" Smiles all around I reply " Totally"! Ok now in the church finishing decor and food prep. Justine is frantic working on my cake, that was totally awesome in the end. Ok time to get hair and makeup done...The girls took a school room upstairs and the guys took another. By the time we where done getting ready that room was a disaster...everything was everywhere, but we managed!I over heard Brad say...emergency down stairs, beckoning Justine to come help! I was freaking out about that...what was it...what was wrong? Well I found out later it was the cake, apparently it was starting to fall over...a
nd they saved it just in time... PTL cause the wedding cake was a big deal to me.Ok last touches, my Vail and Grandmas pearls. Hug mom for the last time as her single daughter, try not to cry and walk out into the hallway down to the sanctuary.Meet with Dad and make sure everyone is in place to walk out.There is no feeling like the feeling you get when your standing behind the sanctuary doors about to walk out and marry the man you love.Arm in arm with Dad, a last glance into his eyes with a silent I love you. Bridesmaids walk out and then flower girl ( Annabelle my niece) so cute.That's my Que, here we go.I almost tripped but Dad saved me, and we kept walking, All I could see was Aaron standing at the alter with glassy eyes looking amazing.Yes by the time I got up to him I was crying. A hug with Dad and a prayer together.I turned toward my future and he wiped the tear away from my eye.I knew more than ever that I was supposed to be standing there getting married to him.Ron( Dad in-law) lead the

For thous of you that stayed and cleaned and packed everything up...you are angels...my wedding is the first time I left a party and let everyone else do the after work.It was nice actually.This may surprise you, but all the way to Nashville Aaron and I talked about how it was such a blessing to have our family and friends take care of everything for us.Here we are newlyweds and we are talking about our friends, I knew that he was the man I would be with forever.We have always been so comfortable with each other...there was no awkwardness between us because we

Thank you all for sharing our special day with us!

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