You know, it's been told that a boy that likes a girl will take her on a date to a scary movie so when she gets scared she will ''confide'' in him... let's face it... hold his hand or tuck her face into his chest during a frightening scene. As precious as that truth is, we know it is not conducive towards our believes or morals and standards ( because we don't date) right? Well yes that is true, and I was thinking about that today, let me tell you why. Aaron and I have netfilx and we enjoy it very much we also like to watch some tv shows together at night. We recently started the series " Lost " it's a great show so far, but it is a little bit scary ... more at that I am a mom I get scared easier Lol its retarded. So there is one epi that freaked me out, during the program I confided in Aaron...doing exactly what I talked about above...held his hand and shrieked into his chest with fear. I thought about it today and then thought about the truth about boys and there date night choices...I think it's a great thing that we have been married over a year and I have a scary movie crush on my Husband still. Praise the Lord. Another side to that thought is...girls confide in your husband, don't be so tough that you don't need his hand to hold or his shoulder to lean on during scary times or sad times or even happy times. This will benefit you girls and also your man. As crazy as you may think this next part may sound it's true. Your man enjoys you needing him! Yep it's true...let him know you need him and he will smile and comfort you and feel all the more manly for doing so, (it's a guy thing, a hero thing) so don't be afraid,when your afraid to have a date night crush and shelter your fear in your husband.
Can you believe all that came from a thought I had about silly boys that try and trick girls into holding hands with them ? :)
You are so sweet. :-D Good words!!