We put in a new addendum stating that if the seller will fix the termites and any wood rotting organisms such as mildew we will repair the other needs such as plumbing and windows... added on in escrow :) So we just got back from signing that form and it will be sent to the seller today...just waiting now to hear back from him in a timely manner I really hope! Basically he had on the contract that he was at his bottom $ for repairs ...but in our contract we had him agree to 300$ of repairs do to inspection ...so we know he is willing to already cover 300$ it's just a matter of a couple hundred more if he excepts this new offer. I'm pretty sure he is retarded if he says no. He is needing to sell this house and he has already wasted two months with us, so he should say yes to those terms..wouldn't ya say?
Well that is all I know right now! Fingers crossed and thank you for all the prayers...um we still need a lot so keep 'em coming ! Thanks.
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