
Della and me

About Me

My photo
Republic, MO, United States
Who are the Burks? Well there is my wonderful Husband Aaron he's 25 and a super amazing man. I'm 25 also and I'm not as amazing as Aaron but I am totally in love and trying to be the best wife and momma. I'm also a very happy lady because I get to be a stay at home parent and work my Arbonne Business that I love. And last but not least is our joy, Della she's 2.5 yrs old and so perfect.

Della Burks

Della Burks
The most precious girl ever and her Momma.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

So Shall We Live-Another Year

Hi everyone,

Just now getting a chance to make an entry in the ole blog! Life sure is funny and amazing. What a year it has been already. We had Della January 9th I had a pretty long labour and it was the most amazing yet difficult thing I have ever done. A child will change your life in so many ways. I couldn't have imagined what it would really be like, just doing it is the only way to understand. The Lord is always good, but he has amazed me this year with so many things. Let's do a simple break down of the past few years.....at 21 I was married, at 22 I had a baby, and at 23 I should be living in a house. Wow eventful! We are on the brink of buying a house in Republic and Lord willing we should be closing on it the 25th of this month. I'm so excited to have a visual idea of the place we can raise Della and build tons of memories. We have so many memories already, but I would love for her to have a house to keep them in :)

It's Aaron's Birthday today...one amazing day in my heart, the day my husband was born. Life would not be the same without Aaron J. Burks. I asked him what he wanted for his Birthday, and he was totally honest, even though he knew it was pricey ( something I have a hard time doing when asked the same question).
He said a Kinect for the xbox...Yikes! How could I make that happen? We really couldn't afford to spend that right now with all the $$ we are going to need to put on this house and of course the baby bills that are filling my mail box. So I prayed about it...and thought about it. And I did some research on it...And the Lord made it happen, and we are right on track with our bills! It's amazing, I think the Lord rewards a giving heart and a giving wife. I could have said NO WAY we can't afford it. And really that wouldn't have been wrong, but I said yes because Aaron is deserving also it really did make me happy that he got the one thing he asked for that he didn't think he could get. Birthdays are not about what you get by any means...but I had to tell you what a blessing that gift working out was. And now we are making more memories with this new toy! And hopefully burning some fat with the dance game. Della loves to watch us jump around and make fool's of ourselves as we try to do these silly dances. She's such a doll. We had a surprise party for His Birthday on the Sunday the 6th ( Thank you everyone who came ) Aaron had no idea I was throwing this party, even though I baked a massive cake and cleaned the house and made a big meal...he never put it all together! Lol I guess that is good for me. A lot of it was due to a basket ball game distraction that day...yay. It was a fun time, I wasn't really sure how all these people where going to fit in my lil apartment and enjoy them selves, but I think it worked out nicely. So Happy Birthday Aaron! I Love you.

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